
Tag gist

Every gist can be tagged by adding hash-tag to it's title.

For example: You have a gist titled

TEXTSimple html template

and you'd like to tag it with "template" and "html" tags. All you need to do, is to add these tags as hash-tags to the end of the title like so:

TEXTSimple html template #html #template

Gisto will then use the hash-tags to display tags in the gist list and search by this tags.

Usage via proxy

To run Gisto via proxy you'll have to start gisto with command line arguments:

SHELL./Gisto-x.x.x.exe --args --proxy-server=proxyhost:port

Add new snippet

To add new snippet, simply click the "+ New snippet" button on the top of the app.

Setting up for development

Pre-installed requirements:

  • GIT- distributed version control
  • Node.js and npm - server-side software system written in JavaScript

Set it all to work together:

Clone the latest "next" branch: with the following command to a directory of your choice:

SHELLgit clone -b next --single-branch

Install dependencies in the directory created by cloning:

SHELLnpm install

Run the local application (electron mode):

SHELLnpm run dev

Run the local application (webapp):

SHELLnpm run start:web
(for more commands, check-out package.json's script section)

Congratulations! If all went well, you are now have set-up local version of Gisto in your machine.